The man was reported to be depressed and had been drinking heavily through the previous day. He was last seen by friends at around 1:00 a.m. outside his tent, but when checked on later was found to be gone.
The man's friends initiated a search and, when unsuccessful, contacted North Wales Police. Officers searched the campsite, checking tent by tent, and Team volunteers extended the search area to cover adjacent woodland, fields, railway cuttings and the water margins. As dawn broke many of the initial search areas were rechecked, and the Police National Air Support helicopter made a sweep of the lake and its margins.
At around 7:00 a.m. as the initial search phase was drawing to a close, a member of the public found the man, asleep, inside her vehicle around 15 m from his last known position. He had locked himself into the windowless van and so had not been spotted during vehicle searches, and being fast asleep, was oblivious to the activity outside.