The two men, unprepared for the navigational demands and the prevailing weather, and with little or no contingency for an extended stay on the mountain, had asked for assistance having exhausted themselves. Having made two attempts to navigate off the summit, and faced with gale force winds and encroaching dark, the men made the wise decision to return to the hut and call for assistance.
Given the poor weather forecast overnight and into the following day, and with two underprepared walkers who's condition could easily deteriorate, the decision was made to send a party of seven Team volunteers to assist them off the mountain.
With winds of up 70 mph forecast, the Team followed a slightly less convenient, but more sheltered route to reach the stranded pair. After being provided with warm drinks and extra clothing, the pair were walked down off the mountain.
Everyone was safely back at vehicles by 01:15 a.m. the following morning