The man, in his 60's, had summited the mountain and was descending via a less well-used route on the eastern flank of the mountain. At some point he overshot his turn onto a crossing bridleway and ended up lost in woodland. Recognising things had gone astray, he called for assistance.
Unable to make further contact with the man, the Team commenced a vehicle sweep of tracks and backroads in the area described to the Police in the initial call. At midnight, with no sign of the man and no further contact, the vehicle search was stood down.
With a warm night ahead, and only 5 hours before daylight, it was decided to commence a foot search of target areas at 6:00 a.m. The following morning, within about 10 minutes of starting, the man was found by one of the parties, safe and well, if a little thirsty. By all accounts he had had a reasonable if unplanned night out on the hill, being treated to a display of the Persid Meteor Shower while he waited for morning.